Engineering BU

The Engineering Business Unit provides multidisciplinary engineering services.

Electrical Instrumentation BU

Comes SPA has been operating for more than 30 years in the electrical and industrial system Sector.

Mechanical BU

With an average workforce of 45 employees, Comes SpA is flexibly structured operating in 3 specialized production plants.

Marine BU

La Marine BU grazie all’elevato grado di competenza del personale oggi è un partner fidato nel campo dell’Impiantistica di bordo

Industrial Construction Partner

Comes is a Qualified Industrial Partner at the service of International EPCs and Investors structured to support the Client throughout all phases such as planning, industrial construction and plant management, including not only the electrical, instrumental, mechanical and fluid dynamic assemblies but also maintenance.


Years of experience




Projects completed



Comes in the world

Comes nel mondo

Reliability and Innovation

Thanks to the experience gained over the years together with the signficant works already realized and the achievement of professional certifications for the production processes, Comes is a reliable partner for the management of projects of any size.

Among the most recent references, we can quote the realization of the MOSE system in the Venice lagoon and the activities of the ITER France project aimed at constructing the first nuclear fusion power plant in the world.

Cadarache (FR): ITER Nuclear Reactor

Cadarache (FR): ITER Nuclear Reactor

Comes Spa accompanied the start of assembly of the ITER experimental reactor in Cadarache, southern France.

Copenaghen (DK): biomass plant

Copenaghen (DK): biomass plant

Comes Spa has been selected by LAB France for the electrical and instrumentation activities of the Hofor Biomass Plant in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Irsching (DE): Thermoelectric plant installation

Irsching (DE): Thermoelectric plant installation

The Irsching 6 thermoelectric plant is one of the first emergency plants in Europe designed to ensure the stability of the power grid.

Our technical, commercial and HR departments
are at your disposal