
To make our maximum contribution, we always operate with certified quality

Comes means having the certainty of operating with certified quality of the production processes and of the materials used. It also means operating in such a way that respects workers and the environment, because nothing is left to chance so that every project is successful at 360°.

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

TUV n. 50 100 7435 Rev. 009
Certificazione del Sistema di Gestione della Qualità Aziendale.

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UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

TUV n. 50 100 9277 Rev. 006
Certificazione dei Sistemi Aziendali di Gestione Aambientale.

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ISO 45001:2015

IMQ n. 9192.CMS7
Certificazione dei sistemi Aziendali di gestione per la salute e sicurezza sul lavoro.

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UNI EN ISO 3834-2

SGS n. 21/804P_IND
Requisiti di qualità per la saldatura per fusione dei materiali metallici.

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EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011

SGS 1381-CPR-677
Certificato di conformità del controllo della produzione in fabbrica.

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DNV n. 10000462391-MSC-Rva-ITA
Certificato di sistema di gestione.

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Qualificazione per l’esecuzione dei lavori pubblici.

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We enthusiastically participate in ambitious and complex industrial projects in any region of the world, making our specific expertise available for the realization of great ideas.

A selection of Comes' most recent operations in its various fields of expertise, from engineering to electrical plant engineering, from mechanics to construction.

Business Units dedicated to engineering, electrical plant engineering, mechanics and construction operate in a coordinated way to support and realize your projects in a timely and dynamic way.

Comes means having the certainty of operating with certified quality of the production processes and of the materials used.

Our technical, commercial and HR departments
are at your disposal