Brindisi (IT): thermoelectric plant conversion

Project name: Thermoelectric plant conversion

Client company: A2A SPA

Client: A2A SPA

Type of work: Electrical installations

Place of work: Brindisi

Work start date: 2019

Project Description

In April 2019 Comes SPA was selected by A2A for the conversion project at the Brindisi plant in Puglia, Italy. Comes will work alongside ABB Italy, one of the world leaders in the industry. The plant is owned by A2A of Milan, a leading energy company.

Comes SPA President Dr Vincenzo Cesareo: “This is a beautiful eco-sustainable project that revalues the plant in our area and guarantees emissions into the environment according to the most stringent regulations. A2A is a leading Group that takes great care of safety and the environment and we are proud to work alongside them in this and many other initiatives.

With ABB we have an established relationship and share many adventures in Italy and abroad. Sharing this goal with them as well makes us even more proud.” says Sante Montemurro, Operations Director of Comes SPA.
Work will begin in May 2019.